If I can recall, I absolutely loved to eat bean sprouts(Taugeh). I would follow my maid to the market ,when it was a walking distance, and help her to choose bean sprouts.
My mum wasn't happy with me not eating certain veges, but its my nature. I'm a picky girl.
When my sister was reading Flavours Magazine July-August 2009 issue, there was an article featuring Bob Blumer , the guy with the super-cool toaster van . I used to watch his show on
Travel& Living, lovely stuff.
There was this recipe called Cauliflower Popcorn. Its a simple way of eating those greens, a slight salty, sweet taste(from the natural sweetness of the cauliflower) , and for me, I like mine soft in the inside and slight crispy on the top.
Roasted Cauliflower Popcorn (Adapted from Bob Blumer's recipe)
1 Cauliflower
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Tbs Salt
1. Preheat Oven to 220 Celsius.
2. Clean and cut cauliflower into size of golfballs. (I usually make mine smaller)
3. In a large bowl, add cauliflower, olive oil and salt.
4. Toss thoroughly.
5. Line a baking pan(Shallow types) with parchment paper for easy cleaned up.
6. Roast it for 1 hour. Occasionally check on it and turn over to brown the other sides of the cauliflower. (The browner the florets, the sweeter they will taste. Its called caramelisation process)
7. After an hour, its done.
8. Enjoy!